For +30 years the Tallykey mantra has been quite simple: We are here to make your daily work easier and less complicated.
That’s our reasoning for building supply pedestals in long-lasting maintenance free aluminum. That’s our raison d’etre for designing digital payment solutions offering you new insights as well as easy to access overview.
TALLYWEB is our crown jewel in such efforts. Whether you are the manager of a tiny campsite or a giant industrial port our digital payment solution will save you from loads of administration. Via online self-service costumers will manage registration, services, and payment themselves. Saving you from unnecessary paperwork and long workhours at the office desk.
With few clicks only you have a detailed overview while rest assured that all costumers pay for power and water utilities as well as their fair share of any other services provided. In addition, the system can produce statistics, keep economy on track and save you from unpleasant surprises.
Our technology allows staff to interact with customers and build relations rather than chasing payment or meter readings.
Aluminum stands with electricity and water supply
for harbours, campsites etc.