CHARGING – electric vehicle supply equipment

The market for electric and plug-in hybrid cars grows significantly these years. The electric charging infrastructure will constitute a massive challenge though. Supply equipment enabling customers, guests, and staff to plug in and charge their electric vehicles in a simple and accessible fashion will be a highly valued asset.

In 2021 we introduced TCC – a charging station more flexible, user-friendly, and profitable than any competition we are aware of.

Unlike competition in the market, we firmly believe that electricity pricing should be determined by the business providing utility services rather than manufacturers of the technical equipment.

The Tallykey charging station goes far beyond flexibility, however. It is basically a profitable business case dressed in classic design. Pending on pricing and annual turnover the charging station is likely to give profit within 2-4 years. For decades onwards the charging station will contribute positively to your business as well as your image as a provider of sustainable utility services.

Registration and payments are settled online via TALLYWEB and customers receive a smartphone notification as soon as their electric car is fully charged.

TCC charging station – technical specifications 

Markedet for elbiler kommer til at vokse eksplosivt de kommende år. Infrastrukturen til opladning af elbiler bliver én af de helt store udfordringer. Derfor bliver det et højt værdsat gode at tilbyde sine kunder, gæster og medarbejdere enkel og problemfri opladning.

I 2021 introducerede vi markedets vel nok mest fleksible, brugervenlige og økonomisk rentable ladestander til elbiler.

I modsætning til nogle af vores konkurrenter på markedet, synes vi i Tallykey, at det skal være jer som ejere, der bestemmer prisen på den elektricitet, I sælger.

Ikke alene er vores ladestander fleksibel i drift. Den er også bygget i tidløst design og er en god forretning: Afhængig af jeres prissætning og omsætning vil ladestanderen typisk have tjent sig hjem efter 2-4 år. Derefter står den i årtier og bidrager positivt til jeres bundlinje og grønne samvittighed.

Brugerne registrerer sig og betaler online via TALLYWEB og får selvfølgelig en notifikation på deres mobiltelefon, når bilen er ladet op.

TCC ladestander til elbiler – tekniske specifikationer og datablad

Choose between two product categories





    Aluminum stands with electricity and water supply
    for harbours, campsites etc.



    Digital systems for management, payment and administration.


    Access Control

    Facilities that provide access to buildings and facilities.



    Charging stands for electric cars.



    Ready to help when you need it.

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