The online payment motor
TALLYBEE is a solid software programme offering a strong digital payment value proposition. As precursor to TALLYWEB the TALLYBEE payment solution does not, however, support self-service from smartphone or tablet.
To some extend the two software programmes are alike and share functionalities. Yet, with TALLYBEE the self-service administration is applicable for personal computer only.
For ports, marinas, and camping sites the TALLYBEE software offers an excellent overview of all units connected to the system. In contrast to Wifi data are transferred in real-time 100 percent stable radio signals. From an administration perspective management is provided updated insight information on customers utility consumption with opportunities to handle payments in a swift and precise manner.
Reliable radio signals
TALLYBEE functionality is compatible with most common electricity meters in the market. Utility consumption data is delivered, collected, and stored safely – both at the power and water supply outlets as well as the master unit affiliated. All data communication is transferred as radio signals more stable than internet with the benefits of avoiding challenging as well as expensive construction work with cables pulled underground or in the air.
+30 years of experience
At Tallykey we have more than three decades of experience in solid payment solutions for clients worldwide.
Our excellent customer service is another reason for ports, marinas and camping sites worldwide to choose Tallykey.
Let us find the right solution for you – call +45 9784 1277 or send us an e-mail: info@tallykey.dk (expect our response within 24 hours).
Here are seven good reasons to choose Tallykey.
Payment systems benefit from lower consumption
for the earth's climate and your green account.
Digital solutions save on administration, provide a full overview and ensure that you get paid for actual consumption.
Software and hardware can be upgraded and built into other systems, creating less waste.
Your guests can monitor their own consumption and pay online via mobile phone, free of queues and office hours.
High-tech solutions designed to fit beautifully
into the surroundings and are intuitively simple to operate.
You decide the price of electricity and water yourself - to the benefit of your daily operations and bottom line.
With us, old virtues are in fashion – a small Danish company,
who hire the best professionals and are easy to talk to